Becky Clark, Author
A teenager trapped in a middle-aged body
Tag Archives: Cat Bauer
Cat Bauer Interview
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Cat Bauer is the author of HARLEY LIKE A PERSON, reviewed here,
and HARLEY’S NINTH, just out. You might wonder why I didn’t review the
new book, like a normal person would. But then you’d remember that I’m
really not a normal person.
• Cat Bauer lives in Venice, one of the most interesting cities in the world and — crazy as it sounds — doesn’t own a camera.
I don’t have a camera!
• How can you live in Venice and not have a camera?!
I really don’t have a camera.
• Sigh.
• How did you get started writing?
• How did you get started writing?
I was born that way.
• Which is harder for you … writing a first draft of a novel or cooking Thanksgiving dinner?
It is nearly impossible to write a novel. Thanksgiving is all about gravy.
• Which of your characters is most like you?
The one in the drawer.
The one in the drawer.
• Have you based a character on someone who would be horrified to know it’s them?
Oh, I think they know 
• What is the third best salad dressing?
Um… I am out of the salad dressing loop. Olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper are what we use here in Venice. And It Is Good.
• Just like the Presidential candidates … won’t answer a simple question! Not what’s “good,” Cat … but what’s third best? Just like, “who is the third best rock band of all time?” Obviously, in first place is the Beatles, then CSNY, but third is up for grabs …. could be Queen, could be Elton, could be practically ANYONE!
I really don’t know anything about salad dressings. I am not being a Presidential candidate. It is not a simple question if you only use oil and vinegar! I SERIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW ABOUT SALAD DRESSING. OKAY??????????
• Okay. Fine.
• Which is your favorite part of the writing process?
Grooving in the Zone.
• Least favorite?
Formatting properly.
• Who is your favorite author?
William Shakespeare
•What do you do for fun?
As much as I can.
• What is your writing process like? Do you sit at your desk for a certain amount of time every day or do you write until you get to a particular word count? Where do you write? Longhand or computer? Lucky talisman?
All of the above. Most of all, I like deadlines. They make me move. I like just the sound of it: Dead. Line.
• Were you in marching band? What’s your favorite band memory?
Yes, I was in the marching band. All photos have been burned. My favorite band memory was running off with a fireman during the Firemen’s Parade.
• Ooh la la! Did you get caught?
Yes, I got caught, and was thrown out of marching band, but then reinstated, only to get thrown out again for going to a Moody Blues concert instead of performing on stage (I was first clarinet).
• Hey! Moody Blues! Possibly in contention for third best band … see how this interview is working out? Must be good karma hovering around us.
• Is there a law that all firemen must be dreamy?!
Yes, there is a law that All Firemen Must Be Dreamy.
• What books are on your To Be Read pile right now?
Ulysses by James Joyce. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. The Harmony of the Spheres by Joscelyn Godwin. Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Memories, Dreams and Reflections by Carl Jung.
• Wait. Are you just saying that or are you REALLY smart?! I ask because, although I consider myself a fairly learned member of society, right now on my nightstand I have a library book I’ve renewed 8 times without even cracking the cover, two romance novels written by pals, “Wobbly Bits and Other Euphemisms,” yet another dictionary of euphemisms, a Nancy Drew book … and four more that are just too embarrassing to mention.
I am really, REALLY smart.
• Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla for ice cream. Chocolate for… chocolate.
• What is your favorite line from a book?
“You’re nothing but a pack of cards!” Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
• What is the first book you remember reading?
At age four, “Stop That Ball” by Mike McClintock. I can still quote it: “I hit my ball, I made it fly, I hit my ball as it went by. It went around and then came back, I gave my ball another whack. I hit it high, I hit it low, I hit so hard, the string let go. The string let go, there went my ball, away up high, out past the wall.” Maybe I got a few words wrong there at the end, but you can imagine what happens next. I believe the ball was red, and there was a tuba involved.
• Would you agree that all great literature should involve a red ball, a boy and a tuba?
Yes. I totally agree. You may quote me: “All great literature should include a red ball, a boy and a tuba.”
• Which five people — living or dead — would you like to go to dinner with and why?
1. Cleopatra
2. Mary Magdalene
3. Isis
4. Marc Antony
5. Giacomo Casanova
All at the same table — I think the dynamics would be fascinating.
• What would you talk about? What would you eat?
We would talk about sex and eat wild boar.
• What is the most interesting thing about your childhood?
I was hit by ball lightning while lying in my cradle.
• Tell us more!
I don’t know any more.
• Arrgh. Karma? Hello?!
• What is the best question you’ve ever been asked?
“Will you marry me?”
• What is your Six Word Memoir?
Fallen angel. Have halo. Need wings.
• Mountain or beach?
On a beach by a mountain.
• Aah, a woman who wants it all!
• Tell us about any new books or projects you have coming up.
Venetian Cat – Venice Blog is my ongoing project.
Prowl around Cat’s website and blog … lots of interesting stuff. AND a delicious photo of George Clooney.
Thanks, Cat, for spending time in BeckyLand with us.
If you have any other questions for Cat … just leave a comment and I’m sure we can get her to answer!