
Friday, December 31, 2021

The Last Day of 2021 in Venice Is Magical - Bring On 2022!

The Grand Canal in the Fog from the Accademia Bridge - Photo: Cat Bauer

(Venice, Italy) On the last day of the year 2021, Venice wrapped herself in a cloak of caigo, that thick fog that nestles the city in a protective embrace. Walking through Venice during caigo is like stepping through a cloud and finding solid ground beneath your feet. 

Venice, the impossible city, becomes even more enchanting in the mist. The caigo softens the view and casts a spell on everyone who is fortunate enough to be in town to finish out the year tucked inside the arms of the lagoon.

New Year's Eve Day Concert at Palazzo Polignac - Photo: Cat Bauer

Wandering through the caigo and arriving at Palazzo Polignac on the Grand Canal for the morning concert on the day of New Year's Eve made the end of the year even more wondrous.

Covid regulations had knocked out the tenor, but not the spirit of the concert, which overcame a great obstacle with grace and pizzazz. The music was thoughtful and inspirational. From the Overture of William Tell by Rossini played by the four hands of Louis Lortie and Paolo Bressan to the rich notes of soprano Ekaterina Siurina, the experience was simply beautiful. 

The concert was:

In honour of Winnaretta Singer
Princesse Edmond de Polignac (1865-1943)
and in support of the Spirit of Venice

Let's hope that the New Year continues in the same key, and that we can continue to surround ourselves with beauty, creative endurance, and the magical Spirit of Venice.

Happy New Year from Venezia,
Cat Bauer

1 comment:

  1. On the last day of the year 2021, Venice wrapped herself in a cloak of caigo, the thick fog that nestles the city in a protective embrace.
