
Friday, July 24, 2009


Since this post has mysteriously disappeared from my blog, Venetian Cat - Venice Blog , and now the Google cache copy has also disappeared, I will post it up on Wikio for safekeeping. John Henry Bowden and the Anglican Church are welcome to sue me for slander and/or libel if it is not true.

In addition to what I originally wrote on July 24, 2009, below, I will add that during this confrontation John Henry Bowden was yelling and hollering. At one point he thundered: "I hear you've got a medical document that says you are sane, you don't take drugs and aren't an alcoholic. THEREFORE YOU MUST HAVE THE DEVIL INSIDE!!!!"

There are witnesses, hospital records and a police report. 

Questa è la copia cache di Google di È un'istantanea della pagina visualizzata il 9 set 2009 10:54:02 GMT. Nel frattempo la pagina corrente potrebbe essere stata modificata. Ulteriori informazioni

Sono stati evidenziati i seguenti termini usati nella ricerca: john henry bowden venetian cat

Friday, July 24, 2009



When I spoke with William Gill on June 8, 2009 just before I was mysteriously evicted from my apartment on June 10, 2009 by an Order signed by Judge Maura Caprioli on December 19, 2009 (sic?) without me being present, Gill offered me a plane ticket "home." I said, "I am home. I have lived in Venice since 1998." I also told him I had been held by the Carabinieri without charge for about five hours on August 7, 2008 and he replied, "They can hold you for six hours without charge."

Right now, most of my possessions are locked inside my apartment and have been since June 10th. The locks have been changed. During these past ten years, as of December 19, 2008, I paid 63,675.00 euro above what the contract for my apartment stated should be paid, and I have the receipts to prove it.

Cleopatra and I were sleeping in the Anglican Church of St. George until those locks, too, were changed without notifying me. Cleo and I slept in the Campo of San Vio in front of St. George's Church on the night of July 18th, morning of July 19th. When I called the Chaplain, John-Henry Bowden at 2:00AM on Sunday and begged him to let us in, he said, "Have a good night." The next morning, John-Henry Bowden physically slammed the side church door on my right arm and leg in front of several witnesses right before church service. After going to the hospital and being physically examined, I went to the police and denounced Bowden, and the entire Chaplaincy Council, as I was informed by Hilary Wild, the Secretary of the Council, that the Council itself decided to change the locks without informing me with my possessions locked inside.

Oh yeah. There was a piece of glass in the shape of a dagger forced into a festering wound on my right foot during a pedicure on July 1st.

Another funny thing: there was a photo taken from my balcony (it has my new Venetian flag with my mop handle pole:) that is in the brochure of the Rialto Hotel

The story is much, much longer, but those are a few of the facts.

So.... that is why I say: PLEASE STAND BY!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...
I am so sorry for you Cat! I wish I could help. Sending you good thoughts though. Christopher
Rob C said...
Cat, Thinking of you, yell if I can help! Rob
Anonymous said...
So sorry to hear this. As a dedicated follower of your BLOG and a Venetophile, this will certainly not enhance the reputation of Venice. I cannot imagine it will inspire any other non-Venetians to live in Venice, perhaps that is what they want????
Venetian Cat - Venice Blog said...
On the contrary, it seems "they" would love to have non-Venetians live in Venice, especially if they are rich, live here only part-time, and have little bearing on the infrastructure. The Venetians are not the problem... at least the majority of Venetians in my life. In fact, the Venetians gave me the gift of the Venetian flag, which was taken down from my balcony. "They" -- whoever "They" are -- and it does seem to include a small group of "Venetians" -- appear to not want RESIDENTS in the area around Rialto -- especially residents who are writers and very vocal supporters of La Serenissma.
Anonymous said...
Hey there Cat! I am really sorry to hear what is going on with you there. I hope things will be sorted out soon. Take care! Silvio
Anonymous said...
Holy Crap Cat!!! I've been following your blog for a couple of years now. You have been my inspiration to make change in my own life...I'd like to live there, like you have. Please keep us posted as to your whereabouts and why this is even f-ing happening...proves there is BS everywhere in the just has to decide what BS one wants to live with... Pace & Amore HL-NYC
dennisinLA said...
Oh, cat. I wondered when the heavy hand of living in Italy would fall. Leo and a dreamer. I'd offer you a place to sleep, but I don't think you're going to leave Italy. You have too much invested. For you inspired dreamers out there-never get caught in a foreign country without lots and lots of local cash!
Venetian Cat - Venice Blog said...
Denn,I have 63.000,00 euro that I overpaid in rent that is due me. Much more serious is the WHY this is happening. Remember that I haven't read newspapers or watched television for ten years or so, which is why something like this could have slipped past my radar: It explains a lot. More when I get my thoughts together... xoxo Cat